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废土3/Wasteland 3

废土3/Wasteland 3

The Slaverian Trucker is a Survival/Truck/Life simulator game where your task is to make enough money to survive and expand your wealth in the harsh semi-post apocalyptic lands of Slaveria, doing legal and illegal work, while maintaining, fixing, building, repairing, tuning your trucks, cars and other vehicles. The game focuses on freedom and allows the player to do anything that you can do in real life as well. For example: Working for companies, getting wasted, trading, smuggling illegal substances, scavenging the wasteland, finding abandoned vehicles, buying and customizing, tuning trucks/cars other vehicles. Features: - Drug smuggling - Cigarette, alcohol, drug consumption - Eastern European setting - Open World - Day/Night Cycle - No GPS - Survival - Delivery jobs - Scavenging - Trading - Semi-Post Apocalyptic world - Authentic eastern European dirt and paved roads with AI traffic - Unlimited Truck/Car assembly and customization - Bars and shops - Role play elements - Corrupt cops - Partial Controller Support (driving only) - Steering wheel support


The Slaverian Trucker is a Survival/Truck/Life simulator game where your task is to make enough money to survive and expand your wealth in the harsh semi-post apocalyptic lands of Slaveria, doing legal and illegal work, while maintaining, fixing, building, repairing, tuning your trucks, cars and other vehicles. The game focuses on freedom and allows the player to do anything that you can do in real life as well. For example: Working for companies, getting wasted, trading, smuggling illegal substances, scavenging the wasteland, finding abandoned vehicles, buying and customizing, tuning trucks/cars other vehicles.



– Drug smuggling
– Cigarette, alcohol, drug consumption
– Eastern European setting
– Open World
– Day/Night Cycle
– No GPS
– Survival
– Delivery jobs
– Scavenging
– Trading
– Semi-Post Apocalyptic world
– Authentic eastern European dirt and paved roads with AI traffic
– Unlimited Truck/Car assembly and customization
– Bars and shops
– Role play elements
– Corrupt cops
– Partial Controller Support (driving only)
– Steering wheel support

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