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Steam游戏 黑山基地/黑山:起源/Black Mesa:Source 国区 正版激活入库

Steam游戏 黑山基地/黑山:起源/Black Mesa:Source 国区 正版激活入库

Black Mesa is the fan-made reimagining of Valve Software’s Half-Life. Black Mesa: Definitive Edition Update 1.5 brings together all the improvements to graphics and gameplay across 15 years of development to create the final version of Black Mesa. There has never been a better time to pick up the crowbar and play! Single Player Campaign You are Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility. When a routine experiment goes horribly wrong, you must fight your way through an interdimensional alien invasion, and a bloodthirsty military clean-up crew in order to save the science team... and the world! Features A completely reimagined and refined single player campaign, including all new and expanded Xen levels 19 chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine Face off against an army of classic enemies, updated with new features and engaging AI Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments The all-new soundtrack and voice acting create a more immersive experience than ever before 50 Fun and challenging achievements Multiplayer Frag your friends across 10 iconic maps from the Half-Life universe, including: Bounce Gasworks Stalkyard Undertow Crossfire Workshop Create your own mods, models, and maps with the Black Mesa Source SDK, then share it with the community on the Steam Workshop. Steamworks Collect the full set of trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, and achievements! Featuring Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop, closed captions in multiple languages and full controller support. 成人内容描述 开发者对内容描述如下: Violence and death due to falls, blunt force, gunshots, and explosions. Over the top dismemberment of NPCs (gibing) that some may see as realistic. 系统需求 WindowsSteamOS + Linux 最低配置: 操作系统: Windows® 10 or Newer 处理器: 2.6 Dual Core Processor or Greater 内存: 6 GB RAM 显卡: 2 GB Dedicated Video Card or Greater DirectX 版本: 9.0c 网络: 宽带互联网连接 存储空间: 需要 20 GB 可用空间

该商品官网地址 :https://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/


Black Mesa is the fan-made reimagining of Valve Software’s Half-Life.

Black Mesa: Definitive Edition

Update 1.5 brings together all the improvements to graphics and gameplay across 15 years of development to create the final version of Black Mesa. There has never been a better time to pick up the crowbar and play!

Single Player Campaign

You are Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility. When a routine experiment goes horribly wrong, you must fight your way through an interdimensional alien invasion, and a bloodthirsty military clean-up crew in order to save the science team… and the world!


  • A completely reimagined and refined single player campaign, including all new and expanded Xen levels

  • 19 chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions

  • Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine

  • Face off against an army of classic enemies, updated with new features and engaging AI

  • Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments

  • The all-new soundtrack and voice acting create a more immersive experience than ever before

  • 50 Fun and challenging achievements


Frag your friends across 10 iconic maps from the Half-Life universe, including:

  • Bounce

  • Gasworks

  • Stalkyard

  • Undertow

  • Crossfire


Create your own mods, models, and maps with the Black Mesa Source SDK, then share it with the community on the Steam Workshop.


Collect the full set of trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, and achievements! Featuring Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop, closed captions in multiple languages and full controller support.



Violence and death due to falls, blunt force, gunshots, and explosions. Over the top dismemberment of NPCs (gibing) that some may see as realistic.



    • 操作系统: Windows® 10 or Newer
    • 处理器: 2.6 Dual Core Processor or Greater
    • 内存: 6 GB RAM
    • 显卡: 2 GB Dedicated Video Card or Greater
    • DirectX 版本: 9.0c
    • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
    • 存储空间: 需要 20 GB 可用空间
1 声明:若内容若侵犯到您的权益,请发送邮件至 xmertrip@163.com 我们将第一时间处理,敬请谅解! 2 所有资源仅限于参考和试玩学习,版权归原开发者所有。 3 本站提供的资源转载自国内外各大媒体和网络,仅供体验 4 本站一切资源不代表本站立场,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。 5 本站一律禁止以任何方式发布或转载任何违法的相关信息,访客发现请向站长举报 6 资源所需价格并非资源售卖价格,是收集、整理、编辑详情以及本站运营的适当补贴,并且本站不提供任何免费技术支持。




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