Steam共享号文明6 Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Steam正版离线共享账号+激活入库
Steam共享号EA SPORTS FC 25 Steam正版离线账号|登录账号即可畅玩 不顶号 不排队 独立存档
《EA SPORTS FC™ 25》将为您带来更多为俱乐部奋勇争胜的方式。在您最喜爱的模式中通过全新 5 对 5 Rush 与好友并肩作战,借助 FC IQ 以前所未有的强大战术掌控力引领您的俱乐部走向胜利。
Steam共享号古墓丽影11:暗影终极版 Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
在《Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最终版》中,探索劳拉最初为何会注定成为古墓侠盗的最终章。《Shadow of the Tomb Raider:最终版》包括主游戏、全7个DLC古墓挑战,以及所有可下载武器、装束、技能,是跟随劳拉探索命运的最终完整体验。
Steam共享号模拟农场25 Farming Simulator 25 Steam正版离线共享账号+激活入库
《Farming Simulator 25》邀请你加入回报丰厚的农场生活,无论你是独自...
Steam共享号深入后室/密室内部 Inside the Backrooms
Inside the Backrooms is a Co-op online horror game up to 4 players, where you and your friends will fight to escape from the different levels of the backrooms, solving different puzzles with different mechanics in each one.
This game is based on the famous creepypasta with many real references implemented such as iconic entities and important elements. You will have to explore each room, look for elements that help you to continue advancing throughout the game and unlock new areas, but the further you go, more dangerous it will be, you must pay close attention in the area, identify each entity and know how to avoid them if you want to survive.
Look for supplies, store them in your inventory, explore all the rooms, solve puzzles, unlock areas of the map, interact, try to collect everything you find.
The main objective of Inside the Backrooms is to engage players with its gameplay, difficulty and atmosphere. There are countless identical rooms with an old, dirty carpet and pale yellowish walls, where at first glance it gives you a gloomy and bad feeling where you realize that it is not a safe place.
Steam共享号密室逃脱模拟器 Steam正版离线共享账号+激活入库
Steam共享号家庭派对 House Party Steam正版离线共享账号+激活入库
《家庭派对》是一款受 90 年代经典喜剧启发的 18+ 喜剧冒险游戏。每一个决定都会改变故事走向,每一个角色都有各自的秘密等待你的发掘。还有一个脱裤子的按钮。
Steam共享号原子之心 Steam正版离线共享账号+激活入库