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游戏介绍 Dead Rising 3中,任何东西都是武器!探索被丧尸病毒感染的Los Perd...
1125 9.69

游戏介绍 战士们会将战斗的记忆深藏在心底—— 本作是为了在被黑暗支配的柯...
0 5

TEST YOUR SURVIVAL SKILLS IN THIS OPEN WORLD ADVENTURE In the aftermath of a mysterious plane crash, you are stranded in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive. BUILD. CRAFT. SURVIVE. ESCAPE. Explore underwater and on land as you hunt for supplies to craft the tools, weapons, and shelter you’ll need to stay alive. Stay sharp: hunger, thirst, and exposure conspire against you as you brave treacherous elements and the dangerous creatures of the Pacific. Live long enough, Stay Alive! Health, Hunger, Thirst, and sunstroke. Manage and monitor these vitals through an interactive survival watch. Cure poisons, heal broken bones, and bandage bleeding to stay alive. Spears, Axes, Bows, Spearguns, and so much more can all be crafted through an interactive crafting menu or by the quick-craft selection wheel. Items in your inventory and on the ground around you can all be crafted into something useful. Harvesting, Craftsmanship, Cooking, Physical, and Hunting can all be levelled up for maximum efficiency or to unlock different crafting combinations. With dozens of tiers and building pieces to choose from; craft your very own home away from home. From a weak and flimsy palm frond shack to a solid clay brick house. Customise your own raft with sails, canopies, storage, anchors, boat motors, and more. If sailings not for you - fly in style by constructing a gyrocopter! Explore the procedurally generated world with no two islands the same. Dive for sunken shipwrecks, abandoned shelters from previous survivors, or search for rare sea creatures like whales. Build and manage your farm with water management and plant growth cycles. Hunt, Fish, Trap, and Skin animals for food or kill to insert your dominance over the pacific islands. If you’re looking for a challenge then take on one of the three bosses to obtain a wall trophy and a very important reward. Unlock Steam achievements! Compare statistics with your friends from the in-game leaderboards for whose the best survivor. Play online or split screen co-op modes! https://store.steampowered.com/remoteplay/ Customise your world through the map island editor. Play as Female or Male. Change your game difficulty. Play split-screen co-op, and so much more! Create your own custom island and add it to your survival world! Hand sculpt the terrain and manually place each individual tree, rock, and creature to create the adventure island you want! You can even share it with your friends!

游戏介绍 Chicory: A Colorful Tale是一款俯视视角的冒险游戏,在一个涂色书...
1824 9.69

关于这款游戏 在《Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice》中你是“独臂之狼”,一个...

游戏介绍 Sense - 不祥的预感:赛博朋克恐怖故事是一款受《钟楼惊魂》(Cl...
1598 5

游戏介绍 《掠夺者:原生希冀》是一款武器对砍游戏。 游戏主人公—莉亚,有...
1598 9.69

游戏介绍 首先它很简单,玩过王者荣耀应该很容易入手,其次,他给您别的体验...
1598 9.69

游戏介绍 系好安全带,进入 AVICII Invector 为你营造的未知空间,感受节奏的韵律...
1600 9.69

因某些原因,作为主角的少年转学至座落于港区港湾人工岛的月光馆学园。 他在入住学生宿舍后不久,遭遇了神秘怪物的袭击。 在那次袭击中少年意外地觉醒了名为“人格面具”的心灵之力。 此后他加入了人格面具能力者的组织,特别课外活动部(S.E.E.S.), 与同伴们一起对抗存在于世上的诸多谜团…… 被誉为超人气系列《女神异闻录》转折点之作的《女神异闻录3》,现在经由P-STUDIO之手整装换新,登陆现行最新游戏平台。 剧情故事和登场角色等游戏主干部分保持不变,改善操作舒适度和用户界面便利度等, 让游戏整体体验更加舒适,精益求精的细节打磨使游戏可玩性更高。 游戏画面支持现行最新游戏平台的4k/60fps。角色2D插画、3D模型、背景设计、用户界面等均全面翻新。 并且追加了角色的支线故事、互动对话,以及带有配音的场景。包含片头在内,游戏中的所有动画均为全新制作,比原版更加生动的画面将为您再次呈现“那份感动”。 成人内容描述 开发者对内容描述如下: This game includes content such as blood, partial nudity, sexual themes, and violence. 系统需求 最低配置: 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统 操作系统: Windows 10 处理器: Intel Core i5-2300, AMD FX-4350 内存: 8 GB RAM 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 2 GB; AMD Radeon HD 7850, 2 GB DirectX 版本: 12 存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间 附注事项: Performance Target: 720p, low graphics settings, @ 30 FPS

驾驶传奇的美国卡车,在阳光明媚的加利福尼亚州、布满沙子的内华达州,以及被称为“大峡谷之州”的亚利桑那州各地运送各种货物。美洲卡车模拟带你来一场穿越各州震撼景致与著名地标的旅程。 游戏机制基于来自欧洲卡车模拟2非常成功的模式并扩展新的特色,创造来自 SCS Software 最迷人的游戏体验。 美洲卡车模拟让你成为当地货运市场的一名驾驶员,令你一路晋升为个体经营者,去创建美国最大的运输公司之一。 主要特色 驾驶由著名卡车制造商官方授权的高细节水平的卡车。 你的卡车就是你的新家。更换驾驶室、底盘、涂装,增加配件或换上更强劲的发动机,让你的卡车独属于你。 许多不同的货物可选:从食品到机械,再到危险品。 多种拖挂 - 从冷藏拖挂到平板拖挂,从自卸拖挂到低平板拖挂,以及鹅颈式拖挂。 最长的拖挂(长达53英尺)将挑战你在运输与泊车时的技术与耐心。 交付货物至丰富多样的公司与地点,例如炼油厂、储油库、气体厂、汽车厂或道路工地。

游戏介绍 这是一款独立游戏,由游戏爱好者自行开发。屏幕面前的你一定是个优...
0 9.69


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